Creation of collection : Sep 2018

Phytomanagement - Tavaux (F-39)
The site is located in Western Europe along a major river and surrounded by several urban aggregates. Production at the chlor- alkali facility began in 1950 with wastewater discharged directly to a stream. In 1964 a dam was constructed downstream of the discharge. A 12-ha area with dikes 5-m high ...

Phytomanagement - Thann (F-68)
The experimental site of Thann is located in the valley of the Thur in Alsace (France) near the border with Germany and Switzerland, on a 15 ha-chemistry-based industrial complex. The Thann plant owned by the TRONOX company is one of the most important sites for TiO2 production in Europe and is the ...

Phytomanagement - Tavazzano (IT)
In the frame of the NETFIB project, the project partners study the production of nettle in agro-forestry systems, within a poplar-phytomanaged plantation, aiming at lowering the impact of degradation of polluted sites while maximazing ecosystem services. The objective of the production of the ...

Phytomanagement - Vieux-Charmont (F-25)
The study site is an industrial wasteland, located in the city of Vieux-Charmont in the Doubs (France). The site presents an urbanized environment with the presence of dwellings, the Belfort-Montbéliard greenway. Several wetlands are also present, in particular the gravels pond and the river "la ...

Phytomanagement - Bernburg (DE)
In the frame of the NETFIB project, the project partners study the production of nettle in agro-forestry systems, within a poplar-phytomanaged plantation, aiming at lowering the impact of degradation of polluted sites while maximazing ecosystem services. The objective of the production of the ...
- Phytomanagement-Chrono
- PollenChrono
- Données de thèse
- Single-crystal X-ray structures
- Organic synthesis
- Calculated spectroscopic databases
- Chimie des eaux-basse vallée de l'Ain
- Dynamique des orogènes anciennes
- Gaia
- Données de thèse de Jonas Vanardois
- Complex directed networks
- Faults and shear zones
- Microma
- Données de thèse de Charles Henriot
- Données de thèse de Thomas Leydier
- Données de thèse de Alexandre Lhosmot
- CNR Echinococcoses
- Star formation
- Bioorganic synthesis
- Inorganic synthesis
- Road-side counts
- TNOs
- Bacilles à Gram négatif dans l'environnement
- Elaboration des matériaux luminescents
- Histoire des catastrophes
- Paleoparasitology
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- Molecular dynamics
- Piézométrie Chrono-Environnement
- Malacologie continentale
- POPSU - Axe 2 : Mesurer les transitions dans les lieux d'habitat
- Lipid model membranes
- Génomique bactérienne
- Organometallic complexes with metal-metal bonds
- AVKs