Interactions of pharmaceutical companies with world countries, cancers and rare diseases from Wikipedia network analysis (2019)
[1] : Institut UTINAM (UMR 6213) (Université de Franche-Comté)
[2] : Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Terre, Homme, Environnement, Temps, Astronomie (UAR 3245) (Université de Franche-Comté)
[3] : Laboratoire de Physique Théorique (UMR 5152)
Description :
Using the English Wikipedia network of more than 5 million articles we analyze interactions and interlinks between the 34 largest pharmaceutical companies, 195 world countries, 47 rare renal diseases and 37 types of cancer. The recently developed algorithm of reduced Google matrix (REGOMAX) allows us to take into account direct Markov transitions between these articles but also all indirect ones generated by the pathways between these articles via the global Wikipedia network. Thus this approach provides a compact description of interactions between these articles that allows us to determine the friendship networks between articles, the PageRank sensitivity of countries to pharmaceutical companies and rare renal diseases. We also show that the top pharmaceutical companies of Wikipedia PageRank are not those of the top list of market capitalization.
Disciplines :
computer science, artificial intelligence (engineering science), computer science, information systems (engineering science), genetics & heredity (fundamental biology), health care sciences & services (medical research), oncology (medical research), pharmacology & pharmacy (medical research), public, environmental & occupational health (medical research, social sciences), physics, mathematical (physics), multidisciplinary sciences
General metadata
Data acquisition date :
from 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017
Data acquisition methods :
- Derived or compiled data : Web crawling of Wikipedia editions (May 2017) to retrieve information.
- Simulation or computational data : PageRank, CheiRank and 2DRank algorithms have been used to rank articles of the English Wikipedia language edition (May 2017).
Reduced Google matrix method has been used to infer interactions between articles.
Language :
English (eng)
Formats :
application/pdf, image/png, image/svg+xml, image/x-eps, text/csv, text/html, text/plain
Audience :
General, Research, Stakeholder, Policy maker, Informal Education
Publications :
- Interactions of pharmaceutical companies with world countries, cancers and rare diseases from Wikipedia network analysis (doi:10.1101/614016)
Collection :
Publisher :
Institut UTINAM (UMR 6213)
Projects and funders :
APEX - Analyse Physique des résEaux compleXes
- Projet recherche, financement 2017 (Region Bourgogne Franche-Comté)
GNETWORKS - Google matrix analysis of real complex networks
DOI and links
José Lages, Dima Shepelyansky, Guillaume Rollin (2019): Interactions of pharmaceutical companies with world countries, cancers and rare diseases from Wikipedia network analysis. UTINAM. doi:10.25666/DATAOSU-2019-08-12
Record created 12 Aug 2019 by José Lages.
Local identifier: FR-18008901306731-2019-08-12.