UBFC-Phys : A Multimodal Dataset For Psychophysiological Studies Of Social Stress (2021)

[1] : Imagerie et Vision Artificielle (UR 7535) (Université de Bourgogne)
[2] : Laboratoire de psychologie : dynamiques relationnelles Et processus identitaires (Université de Bourgogne)
Description :
The UBFC-Phys dataset is a public multimodal dataset dedicated to psychophysiological studies. It first aimed at physiological signal analysis during social stress. 56 participants followed a three-step experience that involved a rest task T1, a speech task T2 and an arithmetic task T3. During the experience, the participants were filmed (using the EO-23121C camera by Edmund Optics), and were wearing a wristband (Empatica E4) that measured their Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) and ElectroDermal Activity (EDA) signals. Two levels of difficulties (denoted as test and ctrl) were established and one of them was randomly assigned to each participant. Before the experience started and once it finished, the participants filled a form allowing to compute their self-reported anxiety scores.
Disciplines :
computer science, software engineering (engineering science), behavioral sciences (fundamental biology)

General metadata

Data acquisition date : from 2019 to 2020
Data acquisition methods :
  • Experimental data :
    56 participants followed a three-step experience that involved a rest task T1, a speech task T2 and an arithmetic task T3. During the experience, the participants were filmed (using the EO-23121C camera by Edmund Optics), and were wearing a wristband (Empatica E4) that measured their Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) and ElectroDermal Activity (EDA) signals. Two levels of difficulties (denoted as test and ctrl) were established and one of them was randomly assigned to each participant. Before the experience started and once it finished, the participants filled a form allowing to compute their self-reported anxiety scores.
Language : French (fra)
Formats : text/csv, text/plain, video/x-msvideo
Audience : Research
Publications :
Collection :
Project and funders :
Additional information :
Data collected as part of the thesis in instrumentation and computer vision, by Rita Meziati Sabour, co-supervised by Fan Yan Song (professor) and Yannick Benezeth (associated professor), ImViA , university of Burgundy, Dijon

For each subject, following data is contained into a folder named "s+subject_number" (subject_number ranges from 1 to 56),

Subject information
A file named "info_s+subject_number.txt" indicates the participant’s gender (m for males and f for females), the experience scenario assigned to the participant (test or ctrl), the date the experience took place (respecting the ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD; Y refers to the year, M to the month and D to the day of the experience) and the time it started (following the 24-hour timekeeping system: hh-mm-ss; h refers to hours, m to minutes and s to seconds).

Video recordings
Three video files give video recordings of the participants during the three tasks. Video files are named as follows: "vid_s+subject_number_T1/T2/T3.avi".

BVP signals
Contact blood volume pulse signals measured during the three tasks are given in files "bvp_s+subject_number_T1.csv", "bvp_s+subject_number_T2.csv" and "bvp_s+subject_number_T3.csv". BVP signals are sampled at 64 Hz.

EDA signals
EDA signals measured during the three experience tasks are given in files "eda_s+subject_number_T1.csv", "eda_s+subject_number_T2.csv" and "eda_s+subject_number_T3.csv". EDA signals are sampled at 4 Hz.

Self-reported anxiety scores
A file named "selfReportedAnx_s+subject_number.csv" contains self-reported cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence scores computed at the beginning (pre_experience) and at the end (post_experience) of the experiment. These scores are presented as a matrix with the following order:

pre_experience cognitive anxiety score post_experience cognitive anxiety score
pre_experience somatic anxiety score post_experience somatic anxiety score
pre_experience self-confidence score post_experience self-confidence score


7 files


Published : 24/05/2024 13:27 Size : 63.27 kB


Published : 09/07/2024 09:59 Size : 148.99 GB

Description : Subjects 11 to 20


Published : 08/07/2024 15:05 Size : 142.38 GB

Description : Subjects 1 to 10


Published : 09/07/2024 13:26 Size : 136.44 GB

Description : Subjects 21 to 30


Published : 09/07/2024 16:59 Size : 141.29 GB

Description : Subjects 41 to 50


Published : 10/07/2024 09:12 Size : 85.43 GB

Description : Subjects 51 to 56


Published : 10/07/2024 11:09 Size : 3.95 MB

Description : UBFC-Phys paper

DOI and links



Yannick Benezeth, Rita Meziati Sabour, Pierre De Oliveira, Julien Chappé, Fan Yang (2021): UBFC-Phys : A Multimodal Dataset For Psychophysiological Studies Of Social Stress. dataUBFC. doi:10.25666/dataubfc-2022-05-05

Record created 5 May 2022 by Cyrille Migniot.
Last modification : 21 May 2024.
Local identifier: FR-18008901306731-2022-05-05.


dat@ImViA is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers