7 results

Raman spectra of extracellular vesicles derived from HMEC-1 cells exposed or not to B[a]P (2024)

Disciplines : cell biology spectroscopy
Collected date : from Apr 2023 to Jun 2023
Creators : Benjamin Brunel

Raman spectra (693) of extracellular vesicles derived from HMEC-1 cells exposed or not to Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P). Data were collected with a Raman microscope on 2 samples exposed to B[a]P and 3 samples control, and preprocessed (baseline correction, normalization). Further details can be found in a ...

Phytomanagement - Tavaux (F-39)

Disciplines : forestry mycology cell biology ...
Collected date : from 2011 ongoing

The site is located in Western Europe along a major river and surrounded by several urban aggregates. Production at the chlor- alkali facility began in 1950 with wastewater discharged directly to a stream. In 1964 a dam was constructed downstream of the discharge. A 12-ha area with dikes 5-m high ...

Phytomanagement - Thann (F-68)

Disciplines : forestry mycology remote sensing ...
Collected date : from Mar 2014 ongoing
Creators : Michel Chalot

The experimental site of Thann is located in the valley of the Thur in Alsace (France) near the border with Germany and Switzerland, on a 15 ha-chemistry-based industrial complex. The Thann plant owned by the TRONOX company is one of the most important sites for TiO2 production in Europe and is the ...

Phytomanagement - Tavazzano (IT)

Disciplines : forestry mycology cell biology ...
Collected date : from 2019 ongoing
Creators : Michel Chalot

In the frame of the NETFIB project, the project partners study the production of nettle in agro-forestry systems, within a poplar-phytomanaged plantation, aiming at lowering the impact of degradation of polluted sites while maximazing ecosystem services. The objective of the production of the ...

Phytomanagement - Vieux-Charmont (F-25)

Disciplines : forestry mycology cell biology ...
Collected date : from 2018 ongoing

The study site is an industrial wasteland, located in the city of Vieux-Charmont in the Doubs (France). The site presents an urbanized environment with the presence of dwellings, the Belfort-Montbéliard greenway. Several wetlands are also present, in particular the gravels pond and the river "la ...

Perception of expressive vocal cues in musical sounds

Collected date : from Feb 2018 to Jul 2018

This dataset contains 340 audio stimuli (speech, singing voice, music) designed to contain emotional cues (e.g. smiles, tremor, etc.), as well as experimental data collected on 60 listeners rating the emotional content of these sounds. This dataset corresponds to the work reported in: Bedoya et al. ...

In vivo skin anisotropy dataset for a young man (28 years old) by annular suction

The aim of our study is to characterize the anisotropic and viscoelastic behavior of the skin. Thus, a campaign of in vivo ring suction tests was conducted using the CutiScan®CS100 device from Courage and Khazaka electronics. 30 tests were performed on the anterior forearm of a 28-year-old Caucasian ...

7 results


dat@FEMTO-ST is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers