Computer science, artificial intelligence

Translations : computer science, artificial intelligence ; intelligence artificielle

Domain : engineering science

5 results

Parathyroid Gland Detection in Nuclear Medecine

This repository contains different codes of a generative model NM-USNet that is a combination of a Siamese Network and a U-Net model for parathyroid glands detection through automatic image subtraction using 123-I and 99m-Tc images. The combination of the two components is monitored with an ...

LASPI: Detection and diagnostics of gearbox faults

Dataset of current, voltage, and vibration measurements of an electromechanical driving system. The system is a three-phase asynchronous motor that drives a gearbox. The gearbox is composed of bearings and gears that are susceptible to fail. Seven experiments corresponding to different states of ...

AMPERE: Detection and diagnostics of rotor and stator faults in rotating machines

Dataset of speed, current, voltage and vibration measurements of an electromechanical drive system. The system is a three-phase asynchronous motor. It is composed of an aging bearing and a squirrel cage rotor with defects (broken bars). In addition, unbalanced power supply faults are investigated. ...

METALLICADOUR: Detection and diagnostics of multi-axis robot faults

Dataset of position, current, vibration, force, and torque measurements of an electromechanical drive system. The system is a multi-axes robot that contains a three-phase asynchronous motor. This latter motor drives a cutting tool for machining aluminum parts. It studies different states of health ...

Model energetic macroscopic representation (EMR) of the Fuel Cell and leads to a so-called maximal control structure (MCS)

Collected date : from 1 Oct 2007 to 6 Jun 2010
Creators : Loïc Boulon

This modeling presents the control part of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The objective of the model is to represent the voltage control chain of the PEMFC. This model is based on an energetic macroscopic representation (EMR) of the fuel cell and then leads to a so-called maximum ...

5 results



Data language


dat@FEMTO-ST is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers