Données de thèse de Paul Breugnot
Data collected as part of a Ph.D. thesis in computer science, entitled "Distribution and synchronisation of Multi-Agent System simulations", by Paul Breugnot, co-supervised by Laurent-Philippe (Professor), Christophe Lang (Associate Professor) et Bénédicte Herrmann (Research Professor), FEMTO-ST.
Creation of collection : 4 Apr 2023
Execution times and results of instances of an FPMAS epidemiological model
This dataset contains fpmas-virus ( execution times and model results obtained with the FPMAS platform ( in the context of the Paul Breugnot's Ph.D. thesis (Distribution and synchronisation of Multi-Agent System simulations).
Detailed execution times of several FPMAS Meta-model instances
This dataset contains detailed fpmas-metamodel ( execution time data obtained with the FPMAS platform ( in the context of Paul Breugnot's PhD thesis (Distribution and synchronisation of Multi-Agent Systems simulations), that proposes ...