Données de thèse
Données collectées dans le cadre d'une thèse.

Parathyroid Gland Detection in Nuclear Medecine
This repository contains different codes of a generative model NM-USNet that is a combination of a Siamese Network and a U-Net model for parathyroid glands detection through automatic image subtraction using 123-I and 99m-Tc images. The combination of the two components is monitored with an ...

Static and Dynamic Aging Data for NMC Li-ion batteries over wide use range
This dataset presents the ageing data of several Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt battery cells. This work was aiming to have precise characterisations for several battery states, considering mainly states-of-health and states-of-charge. Three single cells were used as well as a two-cell module, in which ...

Yearly synthetic energy consumption and photovoltaic production profiles for single-family houses in Central Europe
The database includes consumption profiles for electricity, heating, hot water and air conditioning, as well as photovoltaic production profiles. The profiles are diverse ((3500 configurations), high-resolution (1-minute time step), continuous (over an entire year) and mutually consistent. They were ...

Preliminary tests on PEM water electrolysis
The tests described in this data sheet are preliminary tests carried out on a 1 kW PEM electrolyzer.

Failure data of a microgripper for intracorporeal surgeries
Two datasets are provided, the raw data and filtered data of position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk of a microgripper for intracorporeal surgeries. The microgripper was driven by 316L stainless steel wires of 0.08mm in diameter and motors. Raw data was collected using an experimental setup until ...

Execution times and results of instances of an FPMAS epidemiological model
This dataset contains fpmas-virus ( execution times and model results obtained with the FPMAS platform ( in the context of the Paul Breugnot's Ph.D. thesis (Distribution and synchronisation of Multi-Agent System simulations).

Detailed execution times of several FPMAS Meta-model instances
This dataset contains detailed fpmas-metamodel ( execution time data obtained with the FPMAS platform ( in the context of Paul Breugnot's PhD thesis (Distribution and synchronisation of Multi-Agent Systems simulations), that proposes ...

Electric vehicle energy model
The project is a simple electric vehicle energy model. It uses the fundamental principle of dynamics to determine the power profile seen by a battery cell for a given mission. The input data are GPX files of the actual path considered. They can also be replaced by a speed and slope profile. In the ...

Model energetic macroscopic representation (EMR) of the Fuel Cell and leads to a so-called maximal control structure (MCS)
This modeling presents the control part of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The objective of the model is to represent the voltage control chain of the PEMFC. This model is based on an energetic macroscopic representation (EMR) of the fuel cell and then leads to a so-called maximum ...

Phytomanagement - Tavaux (F-39)
The site is located in Western Europe along a major river and surrounded by several urban aggregates. Production at the chlor- alkali facility began in 1950 with wastewater discharged directly to a stream. In 1964 a dam was constructed downstream of the discharge. A 12-ha area with dikes 5-m high ...

Phytomanagement - Thann (F-68)
The experimental site of Thann is located in the valley of the Thur in Alsace (France) near the border with Germany and Switzerland, on a 15 ha-chemistry-based industrial complex. The Thann plant owned by the TRONOX company is one of the most important sites for TiO2 production in Europe and is the ...

Phytomanagement - Tavazzano (IT)
In the frame of the NETFIB project, the project partners study the production of nettle in agro-forestry systems, within a poplar-phytomanaged plantation, aiming at lowering the impact of degradation of polluted sites while maximazing ecosystem services. The objective of the production of the ...

Phytomanagement - Vieux-Charmont (F-25)
The study site is an industrial wasteland, located in the city of Vieux-Charmont in the Doubs (France). The site presents an urbanized environment with the presence of dwellings, the Belfort-Montbéliard greenway. Several wetlands are also present, in particular the gravels pond and the river "la ...

Modeling the aging of battery and fuel cell components in real use
These models are associated with the project AsDeCoEUR (Analyses De Composants Energétiques en Usage Réel). The project is based on a thesis work aiming at understanding the dynamic behavior, to study the aging and to estimate the health status of the battery and fuel cell energy components in real ...

In vivo skin anisotropy dataset for a young man (28 years old) by annular suction
The aim of our study is to characterize the anisotropic and viscoelastic behavior of the skin. Thus, a campaign of in vivo ring suction tests was conducted using the CutiScan®CS100 device from Courage and Khazaka electronics. 30 tests were performed on the anterior forearm of a 28-year-old Caucasian ...
- Engineering, electrical & electronic
- Engineering, industrial
- Energy & fuels
- Cell biology
- Engineering, environmental
- Microbiology
- Multidisciplinary sciences
- Mycology
- Environmental sciences
- Forestry
- Electrochemistry
- Physics, atomic, molecular & chemical
- Computer science, artificial intelligence
- Surgery
- Engineering, mechanical
- Computer science, software engineering
- Computer science, theory & methods
- Urban studies
- Computer science, interdisciplinary applications
- Construction & building technology
- Dermatology
- Engineering, civil
- Engineering, manufacturing
- Instruments & instrumentation
- Logic
- Materials science, composites
- Materials science, multidisciplinary
- Mathematics
- Mechanics
- Medical informatics
- Physics, mathematical
- Radiology, nuclear medicine & medical imaging
- Remote sensing
- Toxicology
- Données de thèse
- Équipe SHARPAC
- Hydrogène
- Pile à combustible
- Phytomanagement-Chrono
- Données de thèse de Paul Breugnot
- Vieillissement
- Données de thèse de Ouassim Boukhennoufa
- Données issues de la collaboration entre l'équipe FEMTO-ST/DATA-PHM et le service de médecine nucléaire du CHU de Besançon
- Neuro group @ FEMTO-ST
- Batteries