PHE : Plateforme Hydrogène-Energie
Country : France (FRA)

Model Rem hybridization fuel cell, batteries, energy management
The program allows you to determine the sizing of a hybrid system - FC (Fuel Cell) and battery pack. Project carried out using Matlab/Simulink: - Determination of the characteristics of the FC from the polarization curve (U vs I). - Determination of the characteristics of the battery pack. - ...

Preliminary tests on PEM water electrolysis
The tests described in this data sheet are preliminary tests carried out on a 1 kW PEM electrolyzer.

IEEE PHM Data Challenge 2014
This data set is divided in two parts in the framework of the IEEE PHM Data Challenge 2014. The first part is a 1kW proton exchange membrane fuel cell on which long-term tests (1,000 hours) have been carried out under quasi-stationary conditions. The second part also deals with a fresh 1kW proton ...

Aging data based on daily cogeneration profile
The EU-funded project SAPPHIRE (System automation of PEMFCs with prognostics and health management for improved reliability and economy) was initiated to address the relatively short life expectancy of PEMFCs. Extending service life can be achieved in several ways – one of these is prognostics and ...

Aging data based on cogeneration profile
The main objective of the PROPICE project is to develop intelligent PHM (Prognostics & Health Management) methods to monitor the health status and estimate the lifetime of proton exchange membrane fuel cell systems.

Pronostics & Health Management of fuel cell systems project
The PHM-PAC project is mainly aimed at developing intelligent methods for the detection, diagnosis and prognosis of fuel cell failures. This project should allow the optimization of the performance of fuel cell systems as well as a better understanding of the electrochemical phenomena affecting the ...