Arvicola: population abundance scores of Arvicola terrestris in the Doubs and Jura departments
Disciplines :
Collected date : from 1989 ongoing
Creators :
Geoffroy Couval
Patrick Giraudoux
Arvicola terrestris density scores recorded by the Fédération régionale de défense contre les organismes nuisibles at commune (French administrative division) resolution.
ZELAC surveys: predator - prey
Disciplines :
biodiversity conservation
Collected date : from Jun 1999 ongoing
Creators :
Geoffroy Couval
Patrick Giraudoux
Road-side counts and grassland vole population density transects carried out by the FREDON Bourgogne Franche-Comté on a protocol designed with Patrick Giraudoux (Chrono-environment)
Piezometric monitoring in soils of the Clauge catchment area (Chaux forest, Jura)
Disciplines :
environmental sciences
water resources
Collected date : from Sep 2015 ongoing
Creators :
Eric Lucot
Long-term piezometric monitoring in soils of the Clauge catchment area (Chaux forest, Jura) in different topographical positions.
Night road-side counts FDC25
Disciplines :
biodiversity conservation
Collected date : from Mar 2004 ongoing
Creators :
Patrick Giraudoux
Régis Renaude
Road-side counts carried out by the Fédération des chasseurs du Doubs on a protocol designed with Patrick Giraudoux (Chrono-environment)