Vegetation of dairy cattle pastures in the Jura Mountains
Vegetation plot records in 45 pastures grazed by dairy cows: 45 plots and 225 quadrats. Survey from the IFEP research project funded by CIGC and carried out by CBNFC.
Glyphosate-AMPA-Glufosinate Hair Small Mammals
Concentrations of the compounds glyphosate, AMPA, and glufosinate measured in hair samples collected from free-ranging rodents and shrews captured across a French agroecosystem.
Aspergillus fumigatus in cereal crops
Triazole fungicides are widely used to treat fungal pathogens in field crops, but very few studies have investigated whether fields of these crops constitute hotspots of azole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus. Soil samples were collected from 22 fields in two regions of eastern France and ...
Al-Mg datation anorthite chondrules in UOCs
Data for Al-Mg dating in anorthite chondrules from Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites from the paper of Siron et al. (2021), "New constraints from 26Al-26Mg chronology of anorthite bearing chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites".
Data set : High-Pressure Ca metasomatism of metabasites (Monte Avic, Western Alps)
The petrological data set associated with the paper "High-Pressure Ca metasomatism of metabasites (Monte Avic, Western Alps): Insights into Fluid-Rock Interaction During Subduction", published in EJM, provides the necessary information to recreate the plots and the thermodynamic modelling.
Digitized inventory of the French peatlands of 1949
Digitized data from the French peatland inventory ("Les tourbières françaises", Ministry of Industry and Trade, 1949). This national inventory was carried out in order to estimate the stock of peat in metropolitan France and to facilitate its exploitation, essentially for fuel purposes. Thus, a ...
Arvicola: population abundance scores of Arvicola terrestris in the Doubs and Jura departments
Arvicola terrestris density scores recorded by the Fédération régionale de défense contre les organismes nuisibles at commune (French administrative division) resolution.
Spatial and temporal variability of pelagic and benthic organic matter composition in lake
As part of the QUALILAC project (Influence of the watershed on the functioning of lakes: importance of nutritional quality for couplings between benthic and pelagic environments), monitoring of the origin, quantity and quality of organic matter (OM) available at the water column and benthic level ...
Physicochemical characteristics of water and sediment - floodplains of the Ain, Doubs and Loue Rivers - 2015-2016
19 sites (16 wetlands and 3 rivers) with different physicochemical characteristics and distributed along three rivers (Ain, Doubs, and Loue) were sampled. The physicochemical characteristics of the wetlands were measured in situ or after laboratory analysis.
Abondances of gram-negative bacteria in the environment - floodplains of the Ain, Doubs, and Loue Rivers - 2015-2016
19 sites (16 wetlands and 3 rivers) with different physicochemical characteristics and distributed along three rivers (Ain, Doubs, and Loue) were sampled. The abundances of some gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli, Klebsiella ...
Physicochemical characteristics of water and sediment - Ain River floodplain - 2019-2020
34 sites (16 wetland sites, 15 river sites, and 3 groundwaters) distributed along the Ain River with different physicochemical characteristics were sampled. The physicochemical characteristics of the wetlands were measured in situ or after laboratory analysis.
Abondances and genotypic characteristics of gram-negative bacteria in the environment - Ain River floodplain - 2019-2020
34 sites (16 wetland sites, 15 river sites, and 3 groundwaters) distributed along the Ain River with different physicochemical characteristics were sampled. The abundances of some gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing E. coli, Klebsiella ...
Phytomanagement - Tavaux (F-39)
The site is located in Western Europe along a major river and surrounded by several urban aggregates. Production at the chlor- alkali facility began in 1950 with wastewater discharged directly to a stream. In 1964 a dam was constructed downstream of the discharge. A 12-ha area with dikes 5-m high ...
CLAC: grassland small mammal surveys based on activity indices
Microtus arvalis, Arvicola terrestris and Talpa europea relative density scores recorded along transects carried out from April 2005 onwards.
ZELAC: grassland small mammal surveys based on activity indices
Microtus arvalis, Arvicola terrestris and Talpa europea relative density scores recorded along transects carried out from April 2007 onwards.
ZERRAC: grassland small mammal surveys based on activity indices
Microtus arvalis, Arvicola terrestris and Talpa europea relative density scores recorded along transects carried out from October 2016 onwards.
MicromAsia: small mammal surveys in Western China and Kyrgyztan
Traplines and captures of small mammals and sampling transects carried out in Asia (Western China and Kyrgyztan) from 1994 onwards, as part of Patrick Giraudoux and his crew's research expeditions. A collection of bodies, skulls and tissues that has been donated to the Museum National d'Histoire ...
Physicochemical and bacteriological characteristics of water - Arcier watershed - 2020-2022
Physical characteristics, major ions, minor ions, trace elements measured from May 2020 to February 2022 in five sites of the Arcier karst watershed (Doubs, France), as well as at the Arcier spring. These measurements were complemented by the acquisition of extended spectrum beta-lactamase ...
Microma Indices 1990-2000
Microtus arvalis relative density scores recorded along 7 transects carried out from 1990 to 2000
Microma 1979-2000
Traplines and captures of small mammals carried out mostly in Septfontaines (canton of Levier) and around, from 1979 to 2000, as part of Pierre Delattre and his crew's research.
Paleoparasitological analyses on the site of La Draga (Spain)
Paleoparasitological data from the study of 72 samples taken from layer VI of the Neolithic site of La Draga (Spain).
Monitoring of the vegetation of extensive mountain hay meadows in eastern France (Jura and Vosges)
Diachronic observations of the plant communities of extensive hay meadows in the Jura and the Vosges mountains. The data include 66 old floristic relevés (realized between 2005 and 2009), 66 recent floristic relevés (realized in 2019) and plant community descriptors.
Water vole and plant diversity in a productive hay meadow of the Doubs department
Data of 32 vegetation plots located in a productive hay meadow disturbed by water voles. It includes the plant species lists and the associated community descriptors.
Stone crushing and plant community diversity in dry calcareous grasslands (old Franche-Comté region, eastern France)
30 floristic relevés realized in 2019 in dry calcareous grassland sites (in areas disturbed by stone crushing and non-disturbed areas) as well as the description of the studied dry calcareous grasslands.
EBSD mapping of shear zones strain gradient - deformation mechanisms
Objective : characterize the deformation mechanisms and the crystallographic fabrics within homogeneously deformed granitic samples.
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- Données de thèse
- Microma
- PollenChrono
- Faults and shear zones
- Données de thèse de Charles Henriot
- Données de thèse de Thomas Leydier
- CNR Echinococcoses
- Phytomanagement-Chrono
- Chimie des eaux-basse vallée de l'Ain
- Données de thèse de Alexandre Lhosmot
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- Dynamique des orogènes anciennes
- Bacilles à Gram négatif dans l'environnement
- Road-side counts
- Génomique bactérienne
- Histoire des catastrophes
- Lipid model membranes
- Molecular dynamics
- Paleoparasitology