Translations : grazing, pâturage
Frame of reference : General multilingual Environnmental Thesaurus identified by 3748

Vegetation of dairy cattle pastures in the Jura Mountains
Vegetation plot records in 45 pastures grazed by dairy cows: 45 plots and 225 quadrats. Survey from the IFEP research project funded by CIGC and carried out by CBNFC.

Pollen analysis - Dizy (Suisse, Vaud), En Delèze
Two series of pollen analyses at En Delèze, Dizy. Natural site: peat bog. Series 1: Samples from three trenches (M20, M25 et M80) Series 2: Drilling with a mechanized Russian core (DZ6) All together, 289 samples analysed and 18 14C dates.

Pollen analysis - Omisalj (Croatia)
Pollen analysis conducted in 2018 from a sediment core recovered in 2016 (OMISALJ-2016) at Omisalj, Krk Island.

Pollen analysis - Osor (Croatia)
Pollen analysis conducted in 2018 from a sediment core recovered in 2016 (OSOR-2016) at Osor, Cres Island.

Pollen analyses - Les Hôpitaux-Vieux (F-25), La Beuffarde
Pollen analyses conducted in 2017 from a sediment core recovered in 2016 (BEUF-2016) at La Beuffarde, Les Hôpitaux-Vieux.

Vegetation relevés - Labergement-Sainte-Marie (F-25), le Montrinsans
Vegetation relevés from the two meadows at different surface sizes at le Montrinsans, Labergement-Sainte-Marie.

Pollen analyses and vegetation relevés - Saint-Point (F-25)
Pollen analyses conducted in 2009 and 2010 from 18 moss and 15 dung samples recovered in 2009 at 18 different locations around the Saint-Point and Remoray Lakes. Also, vegetation relevés from the 18 locations.

Pollen analyses - Alba-la-Romaine (F-07), La Grande Terre
Pollen analyses conducted in 2015 from 23 soil samples recovered in 2015 at La Grande Terre, Alba-la-Romaine.

Pollen analyses - L'Auberson (CH-VD), Les Araignys
Pollen analyses conducted in 2017 from a sediment core recovered in 2015 (ARA-2015) at Les Araignys, L'Auberson.

Pollen analyses - Labergement-Sainte-Marie (F-25), Remoray Lake
Pollen analyses conducted in 2017 from a sediment core recovered in 2007 (REM-07) at Remoray Lake.

Grassland vegetation monitoring in the French Jura Mountains
Plot-based vegetation survey. Diachronic observations of the grassland plant communities in the Franche-Comté region.

Permanent grasslands of the French Jura Mountains (synchronic study BioGEcoP)
Vegetation, orthopteran communities, soil and landuse descriptors of 48 mesic grasslands in the French Jura Mountains.