Charcoals from the platforms of the Chailluz forest
Detailed data table containing all the anthracological analyses carried out on charcoal from the analysed platforms in the Chailluz forest.

Pollen analysis - Vatteville-la-Rue (F-76), Mare de la Pelouse, Forêt de Brotonne
Eight pollen tests carried out on a borehole about one metre deep from a peat bog in the Brotonne forest. Samples very rich in pollen and spores. Last two millennia (Middle Ages?).

Pollen analyses - Chavéria (F-39), Les Monteillers, Tumulus 2
Pollen analysis of 4 samples in the heart of the tumulus 2 in the hallstattien necropolis of Montilliers in Chavéria. Very poor in spores and pollen.

Metal artifacts and instrumentum in iron age sanctuaries and romano-celtic temples in East-Central Gaul
Analysing the methods of selection, manipulation, assembly and rejection of metal artifacts and instrumentum in the protohistoric and antique sanctuaries of Central-Eastern Gaul; Characterizing ritual practices and provide deeper understanding of the socio-cultural factors involded in the evolution ...

Paleoparasitological analyses on the site of La Draga (Spain)
Paleoparasitological data from the study of 72 samples taken from layer VI of the Neolithic site of La Draga (Spain).

Paleoparasitological analysis in Carspach - Kilianstollen
Paleoparasitological data from the study of three samples taken from the remains of German soldiers from the First World War. The soldiers were found in the rubble of the military structure (Kilianstollen) that collapsed on March 18, 1918.

CARPODATA : archaeobotany database
CARPODATA database allows the storage and retrieval of all raw data related to the archaeobotanical analyses (plant macro-remains) of archaeological sites.

Pollen analysis - Les Rousses (F-39), Les Rousses lake
Natural site: peat bog near the lake's outlet. 16 palynological samples. The selection was made in several drillings. Two pollen tests performed in 2021 towards the lake outlet.

Pollen analysis - Auneau (F-28), L'Hermitage (detour road 18/116/19)
Natural site: drilling with motorised "russian" core. 120 palynological samples. + 6 radiocarbon datings. 2015 publication: only the "gallo-roman" part.

Pollen analysis - Villers-le-Lac (F-25), La Roche aux pêcheurs
Archaeological site: rock shelter. 10 palynological samples. Only one acceptable result. Archaeological excavation: Ch. Cupillard, SRA de Franche-Comté.

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), îlot David-1987, FG 30, 86 S-C, 86 G23
Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 9 palynological samples (related to M. Magny PhD thesis, 1991).

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), Lac de Chalain, îlot David, A 33/34
Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 11 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Héricourt (F-70), La Lizaine (chemin de l'usine)
Archaeological excavation of rural settlement. 7 palynological samples. Approximate geographical coordinates.

Pollen analysis - Clairvaux-les-lacs (F-39), Station II
Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 14 palynological samples + radiocarbon and dendrochronological datings.

Pollen analysis - Le Locle (NE, CH), Col des Roches (Projet H20)
The archaeological surveys carried out on the Le Locle bypass road have made it possible to make several test borring in the upper part of the fill of the area located south of the city, between the city and the Col des Roches, in the Marais des Calame and Marais de la Molière. Two sections were ...

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), Domaine CID I et CID II
Two boreholes (CID I of 5.77 m and CID II of 7.63 m) were drilled off the Domaine de Chalain (east bank), 65-70 m from the shore. 57 pollen samples were taken from CID I and 21 from CID II + 5 radiocarbon dates.

Pollen analysis - La Châteleine (F-39), Au vieux château
Only one sample in a natural depression in the heart of the castle excavation.

Pollen analysis - Andelot-en-Montagne (F-39), Marais (KTH)
Peat bog. 9 palynological samples. KTH testing (see : Sjörgen, P. 2007. Mires and Peat, International Mire Conservation Group and International Peat Society ; Gobet, 2014)

Pollen analysis - Auneau (F-28), 1996 : Le Parc du Château, forage A10
Natural site: drilling. 71 palynological samples + 4 radiocarbon datings (one is wrong, too recent). Malacological studies by Nicole Limondin (1997).

Pollen analysis - Boécourt (Suisse, Jura), Les Pécats (Les Montoyes)
Natural site: section. 44 palynological samples. Sterile or unavailable samples.

Pollen analysis - Corsier (Suisse, Genève), Marina
Lacustrin archaeological site: sub-lake drilling. 25 palynological samples in the core C1

Pollen analysis - Boncourt (Suisse, Jura), Le Neu Bois
Natural site: geological section. 13 palynological samples. Almost all sterile.

Pollen analysis - Ponsonby (Chili, Provincia Ultima Esperenza, Patagonia Austral), Emperaire/Legoupil excavations (Riesco Island)
Sections in an archaeological site. 146 palynological samples + 7 radiocarbon datings. 3 series: pingüino, locus 1 (very poor) et locus 2.

Pollen analysis - Villers-le-Lac (F-25), Les Prés Mourey
Archaeological site: rock shelter. 8 palynological samples. 6 radiocarbon datings. Archeological dig: Ch. Cupillard, SRA de Franche-Comté.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Sur la Vigne 1 (Morteau A)
Natural site: wet meadow. 99 palynological samples + 4 radiocarbon datings. Drilling of 28.10 meters length.
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