Judit Deák
Main affiliation : Office du Patrimoine et de l'Archéologie - Section Archéologie
Pollen analysis - Le Locle (NE, CH), Col des Roches (Projet H20)
Collected date : from Jun 2020 ongoing
The archaeological surveys carried out on the Le Locle bypass road have made it possible to make several test borring in the upper part of the fill of the area located south of the city, between the city and the Col des Roches, in the Marais des Calame and Marais de la Molière. Two sections were ...
Pollen analysis - Rochefort (Suisse, Neuchâtel), Cotencher Cave
Collected date : from 2019 ongoing
Creators :
Hervé Richard
Emilie Gauthier
10 palynological samples taken from lower levels (older than 72,000 years). Partly sterile or very corrosive. Interesting presence of hornbeam (Carpinus) mixed with steppics in a sample.