Christian Jeunesse

Main affiliation : Archéologie et histoire ancienne : Méditerranée - Europe (UMR 7044)

Website :

4 results

Pollen analysis - Ensisheim (F-68), Ratfeld

Collected date : 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavations. 29 palynological samples. Almost sterile.

Pollen analysis - Hagenthal-le-Bas (F-68), Vallée du Lertzbach

Collected date : from 2009 to 2010
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: drilling in a wetland. 76 palynological samples + 12 radiocarbon datings. Very complex age-depth model due to an irregular sedimentation caused by the shifting of the creek.

Pollen analysis - Colmar (F-68), Route de Rouffach (Rufacher Huben)

Collected date : 1987
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavations. 21 palynological samples. Poor.

Pollen analysis - Wettolsheim (F-68), Ricoh (Aeussere Kreuzfeld)

Collected date : 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavation on the Ricoh factory current location. 13 palynological samples. Poor.

4 results


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République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers