Carbonate dissolution by euendolithe cyanobacterium
Bioerosion is the process of destruction of rocks by living organisms. The bioerosion of biogenic carbonates by so-called "euendolithic" cyanobacteria (which live in rocks) is a major but poorly quantified process, causing, among other things, the disintegration of coral reefs. Euendolitic ...
Satellite images of cloud types products in West Africa from March to August in 2017
It is products developped by Meteo France through the SAF application, showing the types of clouds in function of their elevation.
Climate projection over France (8 km resolution) CMIP5
The set of climate projections available corresponds to the GCM (Global Circulation Model) data from CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project; Taylor et al., 2012) used in the fifth IPCC report. A total of 23 GCMs from 16 different institutions were downloaded on the ESGF (Earth System Grid ...
Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Sur la Vigne 1 (Morteau A)
Natural site: wet meadow. 99 palynological samples + 4 radiocarbon datings. Drilling of 28.10 meters length.
Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), La Vigne 2
Natural site: wet meadow. 22 palynological samples. From 3,90 to 18,85 meters length: extension of Morteau Stade and Sur la Seigne transect lines.
Pollen analysis - Lavancia-Epercy (F-39), Dortan travertine quarry
Natural site: travertine quarry ("Tuff of Dortan"). 3 palynological samples + 1 radiocarbon dating: 9100 ± 180 BP.
Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Transect S4
Natural site: wet meadow. 6 palynological samples. From 10.20 to 13.20 meters. Atypical results. Extension of Morteau Stade et Sur la Seigne transect lines.
Pollen analysis - Montlebon (Morteau-Montlebon) (F-25), Transects II-6, II-7 et III-7
Natural site; wet meadow. 14 palynological samples. Approximate geographical coordinates: 3 transect lines.
Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Sur La Seigne
Natural site: wet meadow. 58 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. 10,40 meters length.
Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Transect S3
Natural site: wet meadow. 24 palynological samples. From 4.40 to 25,70 meters length: extension of Morteau Stade and Sur la Seigne transect lines.
Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Moulin Bournez
Natural site; weat meadow. 126 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. 33,57 meters length drilling.
Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Transect S2
Natural site; weat meadow. 16 palynological samples. Many drillings along a transect ligne: 6.0 to 12.45 meters length.
Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Transect S1
Natural site; weat meadow. 18 palynological samples. Many drillings along a transect ligne: 4.20 to 12.30 meters length.
Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Stade
Natural site; weat meadow. 62 palynological samples. 12 meters length drilling.
Effect of global warming on the immune system of phytophagous pests
Physiological parameters of the insect immune system (heamocyte, PO, pro PO) Behavioral parameters of larval defense against natural ennemies (activity, flapping) Parameters of insect reproduction (mating success, fecundity, fertility)
Pollen analysis - Arcenant (F-21), Les Berthières (Merovingian necropolis)
Archaeological site: Merovingian tombs. 2 palynological samples.
WRF-CORDEX simulations on the Mediterranean domain MED-44
WRF-CORDEX simulations on the Mediterranean MED-44 domain at 44 kms resolution. The version of the WRF model is 3.8.1 (Advance Research WRF dynamics (Skamarock et al 2008.)) forced by ERA-interim for the control run and CCSM4 for the scenarios. 4 sets of data are therefore available: the control run ...
WRF-CORDEX simulations on the Europe domain EUR-44
WRF-CORDEX simulations on the European EUR-44 domain at 44 kms resolution. The version of the WRF model is 3.8.1 (Advance Research WRF dynamics (Skamarock et al 2008.)) forced by ERA-interim for the control run and CCSM4 for the scenarios. 4 sets of data are therefore available: the control run over ...
Pollen analysis - Pont-du-Navoy (F-39), lower river terrace of the Ain river
Natural site. Geological section in pleniglacial varves. 3 palynological samples.
Pollen analysis - Ranchot (F-39), Abri des Cabones 1984 + Châteauneuf
Archaeological excavation: rock shelter. 5 palynological samples. 1 sample in "Abri de Chateauneuf" (47°09'13.28/5°54'14.05). First analysis: J. Heim, 1979.
Pollen analysis - Mirebel (F-39), Les Granges Bruant
Natural site. Organic level into the lower river terrace of the Ain river. 3 palynological samples. Presence of Fagus and Juglans pollen grains (= pollution).
Pollen analysis - Morre (La Vèze) (F-25), La Tourbière (Marais de Saône), 1984
Natural site; marsh. 4 palynological samples. Very bad conservation. Deep drilling in clay levels.
Pollen analysis - Ney (F-39), Varves de Ney, Les Prés des Rousserots
Natural site: geological section border on the Ain river. 2 palynological samples.
Pollen analysis - Châtillon (F-39), Les Ebalèves (varves)
Natural site. Geological section border on the Ain river. 25 palynological samples very low in pollen grains. Other analysis by Bohneke (1987) and Duverne (1958).
Pollen analysis - Charcier (F-39), En Bourand (Varves)
Natural site. Geological section border on the Ain river. Only one nearly sterile palynological sample.
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