Carbon isotopes
Translations : carbon isotopes, isotopes du carbone
Frame of reference : Medical Subject Headings identified by D002247
Sample depth (m), TOC (wt. %, whole rock), TN (ppm, wholerock), TOC/TN, δ13Corg (‰ vs. PDB), and δ15Nbulk (‰ vs. air), for samples analyzed along the GT13 and GT16 drill cores (Serra Sul Formation, Amazonian Craton, Brazil).
Collected date : from 1 Jan 2020 to 1 Jan 2023
Creators :
Christophe Thomazo
Nitrogen and Carbon isotope data from the Neoarchean GT13 and GT16 drill cores (Serra Sul Formation, Amazonian Craton, Brazil)
Continental weathering as a driver of Late Cretaceous cooling: new insights from clay mineralogy of Campanian sediments from the southern Tethyan margin to the Boreal realm
Disciplines :
Collected date : from 15 Aug 2014 to 15 Aug 2016
New clay mineralogical analyses have been performed on Campanian sediments from the Tethyan and Boreal realms along a palaeolatitudinal transect from 45° to 20°N (Danish Basin, North Sea, Paris Basin, Mons Basin, Aquitaine Basin, Umbria-Marche Basin and Tunisian Atlas). Significant terrigenous ...