54 results

Physical, chemical and molecular description of soil samples from mont Beuvray (Morvan)

Collected date : from 9 May 2022 to 31 Jul 2024

Characterisation data for 48 soil samples sampled on Mont Beuvray from 4 forest species (beech, spruce, Douglas fir and silver fir). The data includes a dendrometric description of the sampling locations, a physical and chemical description of the samples and the identification and quantification of ...

Evolution and morphological diversity of land snail protoconchs

Collected date : from 20 Oct 2011 ongoing

This project is in line with one of the major historical scientific theme of the Biogeosciences laboratory: the study of morphological evolution analyzed in the light of ontogeny. By building the first comprehensive corpus of terrestrial gastropod protoconchs, the aim is to stimulate numerous ...

3D Model Fossil Chaetetid

Collected date : 24 May 2018

Photogrammetry-generated 3D model of a fossil Chaetetid sponge, specimen UBGD 030499, used as supplementary data in the manuscript Olivier et al. ("Presumed chaetetids in Smithian sponge-microbial limestones, Early Triassic, Rock Canyon, Arizona, USA").

BioRISC: Biogeography and Resilience of Intertidal Southern Ocean Communities

Collected date : from 27 Feb 2019 ongoing
Creators : Quentin Jossart

The intertidal zone (seashore) is a critical environment at the interface of marine and terrestrial habitats, where inter-linked environmental and anthropogenic stressors occur. In polar regions, especially in the Southern Ocean, biological communities living in the intertidal zone remain largely ...

Carbonate dissolution by euendolithe cyanobacterium

Collected date : from 18 May 2021 to 18 Jun 2022
Creators : Irina Bundeleva

Bioerosion is the process of destruction of rocks by living organisms. The bioerosion of biogenic carbonates by so-called "euendolithic" cyanobacteria (which live in rocks) is a major but poorly quantified process, causing, among other things, the disintegration of coral reefs. Euendolitic ...

Sample depth (m), TOC (wt. %, whole rock), TN (ppm, wholerock), TOC/TN, δ13Corg (‰ vs. PDB), and δ15Nbulk (‰ vs. air), for samples analyzed along the GT13 and GT16 drill cores (Serra Sul Formation, Amazonian Craton, Brazil).

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2020 to 1 Jan 2023
Creators : Christophe Thomazo

Nitrogen and Carbon isotope data from the Neoarchean GT13 and GT16 drill cores (Serra Sul Formation, Amazonian Craton, Brazil)

Mobile temperature measurements of air temperature in Dijon

Air temperature and monitoring in the Dijon agglomeration by bike (one measurement every 5m) to characterize the urban heat island at very high resolution along constant transects

Mesures urbaines de la température dans l’agglomération du Grand Dijon (MUSTARDijon)

Collected date : from Jun 2014 ongoing

Air temperature and monitoring in the Dijon agglomeration for high-resolution monitoring of the urban heat island (50 stations, record sampling every 20 minutes, period June 2014 onwards)

PROTEKER: a near-shore submarine observatory in the Kerguelen Islands for the long-term monitoring of benthic habitats

Collected date : from Nov 2011 ongoing
Creators : Thomas Saucède

PROTEKER is a pilot program that aims at establishing a baseline for assessing the impact of climate change on near-shore marine ecosystems of the Kerguelen Islands by implementing an ecological and genetic monitoring at reference sites. The high diversity of coastal marine ecosystems is usually ...

Weather types around the Kerguelen Islands (south of the Indian Ocean)

Collected date : from 2021 ongoing

Daily weather regimes are defined around the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) on the basis of daily 500-hPa geopotential height anomalies derived from the ERA5 ensemble reanalysis over the period 1979-2018. Ten regimes are retained as significant. Their occurrences are highly consistent across ...

Descriptors monitoring atmospheric centers of action of weather patterns around Aotearoa New Zealand

Collected date : from 2021 ongoing

Here we introduce a set of descriptors applied to weather regimes that allow for a detailed monitoring of the location and intensity of their atmospheric centers of action (e.g., troughs and ridges) and the gradients between them, when applicable. Descriptors are designed to document the effect of ...

MEDUSA: Marine benthic Ecological Data from Underwater imagery Surveys of sub-Antarctic Crozet environments

Collected date : from 4 Nov 2021 to 24 Nov 2022
Creators : Yann Lelièvre

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list, the sub-Antarctic Crozet archipelago is located in a region facing significant environmental changes impacting a poorly known marine biodiversity. Underwater imagery constitutes a valuable non-invasive approach for gathering ecological data and improving ...

Satellite images of cloud types products in West Africa from March to August in 2017

It is products developped by Meteo France through the SAF application, showing the types of clouds in function of their elevation.


This project is based on three disciplines: seismology, hydrogeology and climatology. It aims to develop a new approach to monitor hydrogeological reservoirs, in particular karst aquifers, subject to extreme climatic events. The objective is to carry out 4D imaging during floods in a watershed ...

Modelling the response of Antarctic marine species to environmental changes. Methods, applications and limitations

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2017 to 9 Jul 2021

Ecological modelling is nowadays widely used to highlight the environmental conditions that influence the species ecological niche and better understand their response to environmental changes. Methodological challenges are however present for Southern Ocean marine case studies and it is important ...

Sulfur isotope of sedimentary Barites

Collected date : from 1 Sep 2019 ongoing
Creators : Christophe Thomazo

Multiple sulfur isotope measurements (d34S, d33S, d36S) of sedimentary barites associated with the Permo-Triassic boundary.

Climate projection over France (8 km resolution) CMIP5

The set of climate projections available corresponds to the GCM (Global Circulation Model) data from CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project; Taylor et al., 2012) used in the fifth IPCC report. A total of 23 GCMs from 16 different institutions were downloaded on the ESGF (Earth System Grid ...

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Sur la Vigne 1 (Morteau A)

Collected date : 1982
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wet meadow. 99 palynological samples + 4 radiocarbon datings. Drilling of 28.10 meters length.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), La Vigne 2

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wet meadow. 22 palynological samples. From 3,90 to 18,85 meters length: extension of Morteau Stade and Sur la Seigne transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Lavancia-Epercy (F-39), Dortan travertine quarry

Collected date : 1985
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: travertine quarry ("Tuff of Dortan"). 3 palynological samples + 1 radiocarbon dating: 9100 ± 180 BP.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Transect S4

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wet meadow. 6 palynological samples. From 10.20 to 13.20 meters. Atypical results. Extension of Morteau Stade et Sur la Seigne transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (Morteau-Montlebon) (F-25), Transects II-6, II-7 et III-7

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site; wet meadow. 14 palynological samples. Approximate geographical coordinates: 3 transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Sur La Seigne

Collected date : 1982
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wet meadow. 58 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. 10,40 meters length.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Transect S3

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wet meadow. 24 palynological samples. From 4.40 to 25,70 meters length: extension of Morteau Stade and Sur la Seigne transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Moulin Bournez

Collected date : 1991
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site; weat meadow. 126 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. 33,57 meters length drilling.

54 results


dat@Biogéosciences is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers