PROTEKER: a near-shore submarine observatory in the Kerguelen Islands for the long-term monitoring of benthic habitats (2024)
Data creator :
Thomas Saucède [1] [2]
Data collector :
Sébastien Motreuil [1] [2],
Thomas Saucède [1] [2]
[1] : Laboratoire Biogéosciences (UMR 6282) (Université de Bourgogne)
[2] : Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Terre, Homme, Environnement, Temps, Astronomie (UAR 3245) (Université de Bourgogne)
Description :
PROTEKER is a pilot program that aims at establishing a baseline for assessing the impact of climate change on near-shore marine ecosystems of the Kerguelen Islands by implementing an ecological and genetic monitoring at reference sites. The high diversity of coastal marine ecosystems is usually strongly impacted by environmental changes over the planet. In the Kerguelen Islands, such environments have been little investigated compared to open sea areas, and are still poorly known. The present project should provide stake holders and decision makers with scientific criteria for protection and conservation of Kerguelen coastal marine ecosystems. The PROTEKER first phase (2011-2014) aimed at assembling together and merging all available data from previous programs, selecting, and setting up monitoring stations for completion of the second phase of the program (2015-2018). During this second, operational phase, scientific investigations will integrate all levels of marine biodiversity, from species to community levels and will consist in a pluri-disciplinary approach including monitoring of abiotic parameters, habitat mapping, population genetics, genomics, functional ecology (physiological/trophic analyses), and macroecological analyses. Expected results should provide with integrative models of Kerguelen coastal marine life distribution and sensitivity to environmental changes.
Disciplines :
biodiversity conservation (applied biology - ecology), ecology (applied biology - ecology), physiology (fundamental biology), environmental sciences (sciences of the universe), marine & freshwater biology (sciences of the universe), oceanography (sciences of the universe)
Keywords :
General metadata
Data acquisition date :
from Nov 2011 ongoing
Data acquisition methods :
- Observational data : SWT logger Hobo U22-001 - GMT+4
Formats :
Audience :
General, Research, Policy maker, Informal Education
Spatial coverage :
- Iles Kerguelen: latitude between 48° 40' 47" S and 49° 36' S, longitude between 69° 1' 48" E and 70° 13' 11" E, between -100m and 0m of altitude
Taxonomic coverage :
- Macro-algues et Invertébrés marins benthiques
Publications :
- Guillaumot, Charlène; Fabri-Ruiz, Salomé; Martin, Alexis; Eleaume, Marc; Danis, Bruno; Feral, Jean-Pierre; Saucede, Thomas. 2018. Benthic species of the Kerguelen Plateau show contrasting distribution shifts in response to environmental changes. Ecology & Evolution (doi:10.1002/ece3.4091)
- Charlène Guillaumot, Alexis Martin, Marc Eléaume & Thomas Saucède. 2018. Methods for improving species distribution models in data-poor areas: example of sub-Antarctic benthic species on the Kerguelen Plateau. Marine Ecology Progress Series 594: 149-164 (doi:10.3354/meps12538)
- Camille Moreau, Christopher Mah, Antonio Agüera, Nadia Améziane, David Barnes, Guillaume Crokaert, Marc Eléaume, Huw Griffiths, Charlène Guillaumot, Lenaïg G. Hemery, Anna Jażdżewska, Quentin Jossart, Vladimir Laptikhovsky, Katrin Linse, Kate Neill, Chester Sands, Thomas Saucède, Stefano Schiaparelli, Jacek Siciński, Noémie Vasset, Bruno Danis. 2018. Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Asteroidea database. Zookeys, 747 : 141-156 (doi:10.3897/zookeys.747.22751)
- Claudio A. González-Wevar, Nicolás I. Segovia, Sebastián Rosenfeld, Jaime Ojeda, Mathias Hüne, Javier Naretto, Thomas Saucède, Paul Brickle, Simon Morley, Jean-Pierre Féral, Hamish G. Spencer, Elie Poulin. 2018. Unexpected absence of island endemics: long-distance dispersal in higher latitude sub-Antarctic Siphonaria (Gastropoda: Euthyneura) species. Journal of Biogeography, 45(4): 874-884 (doi:10.1111/jbi.13174)
- Jean-Pierre Féral, Thomas Saucède, Elie Poulin, Christian Marschal, Gilles Marty, Jean-Claude Roca, Sébastien Motreuil, Jean-Pierre Beurier. 2016. PROTEKER: implementation of an underwater observatory at the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean). Underwater Technology, 34(1): 3-10 (doi:10.3723/ut.34.003)
- Guillaumot C, A Martin, S Fabri-Ruiz, M Eleaume & T Saucède. 2016. Echinoids of the Kerguelen Plateau: Occurrence data and environmental setting for past, present, and future species distribution modelling. Zookeys, 630: 1-17 (doi:10.3897/zookeys.630.9856)
- González-Wevar C.A., Hüne M., Segovia N.I., Nakano T., Spencer H., Chown S.L., Saucède T.; Johnstone G., Mansilla A. & E. Poulin. 2016. Following the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Patterns and processes in the biogeography of the limpet Nacella (Mollusca: Patellogastropoda) across the Southern Ocean. Journal of Biogeography, 44:861-874 (doi:10.1111/jbi.12908)
- Miya Y., Gon O., Mwale M. & E. Poulin. 2016. Molecular systematics and taxonomic status of three latitudinally widespread nototheniid (Perciformes: Notothenioidei) fishes from the Southern Ocean. Zootaxa, 4061 (4): 381-396 (doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4061.4.4)
Project and funder :
- Institut polaire français Paul-Émile Victor (IPEV) (Another public institution)
10 files | |||
Armor_2021-2022.csvPublished : 14/06/2024 11:45 Size : 268.07 kB
Description : Data : Sea Water Temperature Logger : Hobo U22-001 Series : 2021-2022 Site : Kerguelen - Golfe du Morbihan - Armor Coordinates : -49.4623S, 69.7345E Depth : 2m |
Channer_2014-2023.csvPublished : 16/06/2024 21:53 Size : 2.31 MB
Description : Data : Sea water temperature Logger : Hobo U22-001 Series : 2014-2023 Site : Kerguelen - Golfe du Morbihan - Ilot Channer Coordinates : --49.3826S, 70.1857E Depth : 5m |
Haute_2012-2023.csvPublished : 16/06/2024 21:58 Size : 3.04 MB
Description : Data : Sea water temperature Logger : Hobo U22-001 Series : 2012-2023 Site : Kerguelen - Golfe du Morbihan - Ile Haute Coordinates : --49.3875S, 69.9415E Depth : 5m |
Longue_2012-2023.csvPublished : 16/06/2024 22:01 Size : 2.77 MB
Description : Data : Sea water temperature Logger : Hobo U22-001 Series : 2012-2023 Site : Kerguelen - Golfe du Morbihan - Ile Longue Coordinates : -49.5387S, 69.8838E Depth : 5m |
Monaco_2013-2023.csvPublished : 16/06/2024 23:00 Size : 2.29 MB
Description : Data : Sea water temperature Logger : Hobo U22-001 Series : 2013-2023 Site : Kerguelen - South - Iles du Prince de Monaco Coordinates : -49.5995S, 69.2398E Depth : 11m |
Port-aux-Francais-2017-2021.csvPublished : 16/06/2024 23:03 Size : 1051.33 kB
Description : Data : Sea water temperature Logger : Hobo U22-001 Series : 2017-2021 Site : Kerguelen - Golfe du Morbihan - Port-aux-Français Coordinates : -49.3535S, 70.2190E Depth : 5m |
Port_Christmas_2014-2023.csvPublished : 16/06/2024 23:06 Size : 2.32 MB
Description : Data : Sea water temperature Logger : Hobo U22-001 Series : 2014-2023 Site : Kerguelen - North - Port Christmas Coordinates : -48.6819S, 69.0327E |
Portes_Noires_2013-2019.csvPublished : 16/06/2024 23:09 Size : 1.54 MB
Description : Data : Sea water temperature Logger : Hobo U22-001 Series : 2013-2019 Site : Kerguelen - South - Fjord des Portes Noires Coordinates : -49.4942S, 69.1495E Depth : 5m |
Suhm_2013-2023.csvPublished : 16/06/2024 23:12 Size : 2.28 MB
Description : Data : Sea water temperature Logger : Hobo U22-001 Series : 2013-2023 Site : Kerguelen - Golfe du Morbihan - Ile Suhm Coordinates : -49.4937S, 70.1616E Depth : 5m |
Trois_Bergers_2014-2021.csvPublished : 16/06/2024 23:14 Size : 1.78 MB
Description : Data : Sea water temperature Logger : Hobo U22-001 Series : 2014-2021 Site : Kerguelen - North - Ilot des Trois Bergers Coordinates : -49.2897S, 69.7111E Depth : 5m |
DOI and links
Thomas Saucède (2024): PROTEKER: a near-shore submarine observatory in the Kerguelen Islands for the long-term monitoring of benthic habitats. dataUBFC. doi:10.25666/DATAOSU-2016-05-11
Record created 11 May 2016 by Thomas Saucède.
Last modification : 14 Jun 2024.
Local identifier: FR-18008901306731-2016-05-11.