MEDUSA: Marine benthic Ecological Data from Underwater imagery Surveys of sub-Antarctic Crozet environments (2024)
General metadata
- Observational data : MOVI: Manually and remotely Operated VIdeo surveys
Video transects were performed in shallow waters (from 0 to 20 m depth) in scuba diving using a GoPro®HERO7 multiple cameras set-up, and in deeper waters (from 20 to 60 m depth) using the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) SAAB Seaeye Cougar-XT Compact.
CROCO: CROzet COmmunities data and images
For each analysed image, faunal abundances and algal surface cover of each taxa were manually annotated using the online open-source software BIIGLE 2.0 (Benthic Image Indexing and Graphical Labelling Environment). Identification of faunal and algal taxa was performed at the lowest taxonomic level possible in collaboration with taxonomists.
Spatial coverage :
- Ile de la Possession: latitude between 46° 19' 12" S and 46° 30' S, longitude between 51° 36' E and 51° 55' 12" E
Time coverage :
- HA04-Crozet-2021: between 2021-11-04 and 2021-11-09
- HA04-Crozet-2022: between 2022-11-23 and 2022-11-24
Taxonomic coverage :
- Algae
- Benthic faunal invertebrates
- Lelièvre Y., Motreuil S., Specq L., Marschal C., Dubois P., Wauters L., Guéné M. & Saucède, T. (2024). MEDUSA: Marine benthic Ecological Data from Underwater imagery Surveys of sub-Antarctic Crozet environments. Scientific Data 11, 613 (doi:10.1038/s41597-024-03460-4)
- Lelièvre Y., Le Gall L., Dubois P. & Saucède T. (2024). Characterization of coastal habitats and marine benthic communities of the sub-Antarctic Crozet archipelago (Southern Ocean) using underwater imagery. (Submitted to Antarctic Science, March 2024)
- Lelièvre Y., Lawnizack G., Ayoub N., d’Ovidio F., Armynot du Châtelet E., Zampolli M., Haralabus G., Courcot L., Collin, P-Y. & Saucède T. (2024). Can we infer coastal hydrodynamics from bedform patterns and sediment properties? A case study from the sub-Antarctic Crozet archipelago. (Submitted to Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, December 2023)
- Lelièvre Y., Specq L., Lamy T., Boyé A., Downey R.V. & Saucède, T. (2023). Taxonomic and functional diversity of subtidal benthic communities associated with hard substrates at Crozet archipelago (sub-Antarctic, Southern Ocean). Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1291038. (doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1291038)
Project No. 2021-0882 “Nearshore Cable Inspection and Environmental Survey at IMS Hydroacoustic Station HA04 Crozet, France”
- Institut polaire français Paul-Émile Victor (IPEV) (Another public institution)
- TAAF-UB (Another region)
- Institut polaire français Paul-Émile Victor (IPEV) (Another public institution)
20 files | |||
HA04-Crozet-2021_BDM-T1x.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 13:56 Size : 6.28 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Suspended-cables
HA04-Crozet-2021_BDM-T1.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 13:58 Size : 84.80 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Along submarine cables
HA04-Crozet-2021_BDM-T2.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 13:58 Size : 42.16 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | 10 m south cables
HA04-Crozet-2021_BDM-T3x.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 13:58 Size : 10.52 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Rock part of BDM-T3
HA04-Crozet-2021_BDM-T3.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 13:58 Size : 21.25 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Across the bay
HA04-Crozet-2021_BDM-T4.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 13:58 Size : 5.79 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Along submarine cables
HA04-Crozet-2021_BDM-T5.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:00 Size : 3.28 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Along submarine cables
HA04-Crozet-2021_BDM-T6.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:00 Size : 6.09 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Along the bay
HA04-Crozet-2021_BDM-T7.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:01 Size : 5.01 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Along the bay
HA04-Crozet-2021_BDM-T8.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:02 Size : 2.65 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Along the bay
HA04-Crozet-2021_CdS-T1.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:04 Size : 48.45 GB
Description : Crique du Sphinx | Along the bay
HA04-Crozet-2021_CdS-T2.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:05 Size : 56.14 GB
Description : Crique du Sphinx | Along the bay
HA04-Crozet-2021_CdS-T3.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:04 Size : 5.90 GB
Description : Crique du Sphinx | Along the south part of the bay
HA04-Crozet-2021_CdS-T4.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:04 Size : 8.22 GB
Description : Crique du Sphinx | Along the north part of the bay
HA04-Crozet-2022_BDM-T10.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:06 Size : 8.75 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Suspended-cables
HA04-Crozet-2022_BDM-T11.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:08 Size : 2.61 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Northern coast
HA04-Crozet-2022_BDM-T12.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:08 Size : 2.21 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Northern coast
HA04-Crozet-2022_BDM-T13.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:09 Size : 4.32 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Northern coast
HA04-Crozet-2022_BDM-T9.zipPublished : 25/03/2024 14:06 Size : 3.93 GB
Description : Baie du Marin | Central rock
Metadata_Table_MEDUSA.pdfPublished : 22/05/2024 10:34 Size : 95.25 kB
Description : METADATA
DOI and links
Yann Lelièvre (2024): MEDUSA: Marine benthic Ecological Data from Underwater imagery Surveys of sub-Antarctic Crozet environments. dataUBFC. doi:10.25666/DATAUBFC-2024-03-15