Crystal structure of di-[mu]-iodido-bis­[(dimethyl sulfoxide-[kappa]O)(tri­phenyl­phosphane-[kappa]P)copper(I)] (2014)

Data creators : Rodolphe Kinghat [1] [2], Michael Knorr [1] [2], Marek M. Kubicki [3], Yoann Rousselin [3]
[1] : Institut UTINAM (UMR 6213) (Université de Franche-Comté)
[2] : Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Terre, Homme, Environnement, Temps, Astronomie (UAR 3245) (Université de Franche-Comté)
[3] : Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne (UMR 6302) (Université de Bourgogne)
Description :
The centrosymmetric dinuclear title compound, [Cu2I2(C2H6OS)2(C18H15P)2], represents the first example of a CuI complex ligated by an O-bound dimethyl sulfoxide ligand. In the crystal, the two tetrahedrally coordinated CuI atoms are bridged by two [mu]2-iodido ligands in an almost symmetrical rhomboid geometry. The loose Cu...Cu contact of 2.9874 (8) Å is longer than the sum of the van der Waals radii of two Cu atoms (2.8 Å), excluding a significant cupriophilic inter­action in the actual dimer. C-H...O and C-H...I hydrogen bonding interactions as well as C-H...[pi](aryl) interactions stabilize the three-dimensional supramolecular network.
Disciplines :

General metadata

Data acquisition date : 2010
Data acquisition methods :
Language : English (eng)
Formats : chemical/x-cif
Audience : University: master, Research
Publications :

DOI and links



Rodolphe Kinghat, Michael Knorr, Marek M. Kubicki, Yoann Rousselin (2014): Crystal structure of di-[mu]-iodido-bis­[(dimethyl sulfoxide-[kappa]O)(tri­phenyl­phosphane-[kappa]P)copper(I)]. IUCr. doi:10.25666/DATAOSU-2016-07-19-03

Record created 19 Jul 2016 by Michael Knorr.
Last modification : 24 Sep 2021.
Local identifier: FR-18008901306731-2016-07-19-03.


dat@UBFC is a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers