Yearly synthetic energy consumption and photovoltaic production profiles for single-family houses in Central Europe (2024)

Data creators : Mathieu Patin [1], Sylvie Bégot [1], Frédéric Gustin [1], Valérie Lepiller [1]
[1] : Franche-Comté Electronique Mécanique Thermique et Optique - Sciences et Technologies (UMR 6174) (Université de Franche-Comté)
Description :
The database includes consumption profiles for electricity, heating, hot water and air conditioning, as well as photovoltaic production profiles. The profiles are diverse ((3500 configurations), high-resolution (1-minute time step), continuous (over an entire year) and mutually consistent. They were obtained using a Monte Carlo simulation parameterized for single-family houses (from older houses to passive houses) located in Central Europe, and more specifically in Belfort (France).

The code used to generate the data is available as a public download:
The generation method is described in full in the following article:
Disciplines :
construction & building technology (engineering science), energy & fuels (engineering science), engineering, civil (engineering science), engineering, electrical & electronic (engineering science), multidisciplinary sciences

General metadata

Data acquisition date : from 12 Apr 2024 to 19 Apr 2024
Data acquisition methods :
  • Simulation or computational data :
    Data are generated using a bottom-up method, i.e. load profiles are generated using the impacts of dwelling characteristics (thermal insulation, inhabitant behavior, ownership of electrical appliances, etc.) and aggregating them together to create the overall load (electrical and thermal). This model is used in a Mont-Carlo simulation to obtain various profiles for 3,500 configurations.
Update periodicity : no update
Language : English (eng)
Formats : text/csv
Audience : General, Elementary Education, Elementary Education, Middle school Education, Community College, University: licence, University: master, Research, Stakeholder, Policy maker, Informal Education, Amateur


Spatial coverage :

  • Belfort: latitude between 47° 40' 48" N and 47° 35' 10" N, longitude between 6° 48' 29" E and 6° 54' 44" E
Publications :
  • Comprehensive bottom-up methodology for generating high-resolution yearly building load profiles: A case study in temperate oceanic climate (doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114584)
  • Bottom-up MATLAB generation algorithm of yearly energy consumption (electric and thermal) and photovoltaic production profiles for single-family houses in Central Europe (
Collection :
Additional information :
Data collected as part of a Ph.D. thesis in energy, by Mathieu Patin, co-supervised by Sylvie Bégot (Professor), Frédéric Gustin (Associate Professor) and Valérie Lepiller (Associate Professor), at the FEMTO-ST laboratory.


2 files

Published : 03/05/2024 17:20 Size : 13.11 kB


Published : 03/05/2024 17:28 Size : 28.54 GB

Description : The database includes consumption profiles for electricity, heating, hot water and air conditioning, as well as photovoltaic production profiles. The profiles are diverse ((3500 configurations), high-resolution (1-minute time step), continuous (over an entire year) and mutually consistent. They were obtained using a Monte Carlo simulation parameterized for single-family houses (from older houses to passive houses) located in Central Europe, and more specifically in Belfort (France).

DOI and links



Mathieu Patin, Sylvie Bégot, Frédéric Gustin, Valérie Lepiller (2024): Yearly synthetic energy consumption and photovoltaic production profiles for single-family houses in Central Europe. dataUBFC. doi:10.25666/DATAUBFC-2024-05-03

Record created 3 May 2024 by Mathieu Patin.
Last modification : 18 Sep 2024.
Local identifier: FR-13002091000019-2024-05-03.


dat@UBFC is a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers